Register your child according to the school grade / Registre su nino(a) de acuerdo a su grado escolar. |
Children celebrate their First Eucharist (Communion) once they are in 2nd grade and up / ninos celebran su Primera Eucaristia (Communion) cuando estan en 2do grado en adelante.
Teenager celebrate their Confirmation here 8th grade and up or 13 year old and up / Los jovenes celebran su confirmacion aqui del 8vo grado en adelante o 13 a os en adelante.
if your child is 7 year old an up and have not been baptized select the RCIA class / si su hijo(a) no ha sido bautizado(a) y tiene mas de 7 a os de edad escoja la clase de RCIA
Adults: if you are over the age of 18 and have not been baptized choose RCIA class or if you have been baptized but are missing Confirmation and Communion.
Adultos: is eres 18 en adelante y no eres bautizado escoge la clase RCIA o si eres bautizado y no ha celebrado Confirmacion o Comunion.
If you have more than one child you can add the next one at the bottom of the registration form. / si mas de uno, puede anadir el proximo en la parte de abajo de esta registracion.
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Family Options
New Family
Update Existing Family
ID Number:
Call Saint Rose of Lima at (407) 932-5004, if you do not know your ID Number. |
Head of Household |
Title |
*First Name |
*Last Name |
Suffix |
*Relationship |
Ethnicity |
Birth Date |
*Gender |
Language |
Marital Status |
Phone Note: If you would like to receive a text message when your parish sends a quick communication, select your provider from the Description drop-down list. Standard text messaging rates apply. |
| |
*Phone 1 |
( )
| |
*Email 1 |
| | |
Send Email Instead of Mail When Possible |
Spouse |
Title |
First Name |
Last Name |
Suffix |
Relationship |
Ethnicity |
Birth Date |
Gender |
Language |
Marital Status |
Phone Note: If you would like to receive a text message when your parish sends a quick communication, select your provider from the Description drop-down list. Standard text messaging rates apply. |
| |
Phone 1 |
( )
| |
Email 1 |
| | |
Send Email Instead of Mail When Possible |
| | |
Family Street Address |
| |
*Line 1 |
| |
Line 2 |
| |
*City |
| |
*State |
| |
*ZIP |
Registering |
| |
| | |
Family Phone Numbers |
Note: If you would like to receive a text message when your parish sends a quick communication, select your provider from the Description drop-down list. Standard text messaging rates apply. |
| |
*Primary |
( )
| |
Other |
( )
| | |
Family Email Address |
| |
*Email |
| | |
Send Email Instead of Mail When Possible |
Fee Total = $0.00 |
| | |
Family Remarks |
Remarks |
Enroll Student 1 Do Not Enroll Student 1
Student 1 |
*Type |
*First Name |
*Last Name |
Suffix |
*Relationship |
Middle Name |
Maiden Name |
Ethnicity |
*Birth Date |
*Gender |
*Grade/Degree |
Language |
Marital Status |
Phone Note: If you would like to receive a text message when your parish sends a quick communication, select your provider from the Description drop-down list. Standard text messaging rates apply. |
| |
Phone 1 |
( )
| |
Email 1 |
| | |
Send Email Instead of Mail When Possible |
Sacraments |
Name |
Received |
Date |
| |
Baptism |
| |
Confirm |
| |
Eucharist |
Fee Total = $0.00 |
*Class Choices |
*Class 1 |